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Catrambone DE, Dawson SW. Vasodilation associated with supplement use: potential concern for military aviators. Aviat Space Environ Med 2013; 84:872–3.Military aviators are exposed to high G environments while performing certain tactical aircraft maneuvers. G forces endured during such maneuvering have been shown to reduce mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) at eye level by 22 mmHg for every G endured, leaving the average aviator with a resting G tolerance of approximately 5 to 5.5 G before losing consciousness. Many sports performance supplements on the market today contain compounds that are boasted to increase vascularity and reduce muscle recovery time. Usage of such supplements has demonstrated a reduction of MAP by as much as 16 mmHg after 1 h of dosing and could potentially lower one’s G tolerance by 14%. Military aviators should proceed on the side of caution due to the potential threats that exist with consuming such products until a formal study can be conducted to investigate this matter further.

Keywords: acceleration; G tolerance; blood pressure; niacin; coenzyme Q10
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