Articles should be submitted through Editorial Manager.

Open Access Publishing
In response to the need for some authors to publish  their work as Open Access, Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance is now a ‘hybrid’ journal. We offer Open Access publishing for $1500 per article plus all applicable fees such as color, excess figures, tables, and online material (see this Publication Fees form (updated April 2023) for more details). We also publish articles for no fee, other than the applicable fees. Authors are free to post their accepted manuscript in an institutional repository without paying any fees. Articles are free online after a 1-yr embargo. They remain free for 5 years. Then they return to pay-per-view, but are always available and searchable online through Ingenta. 
  • Journal Article Types
  • Authors and ReviewersEditorial Manager is the Journal's manuscript submission and review site. There, you will find detailed information on contributor requirements and the Journal's policy on AI. The journal publishes Research Articles, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Technical Notes, Commentaries, Historical Notes, Letters to the Editor, and a variety of Features.
  • Reviewers: Please read the Guidance for Reviewers (updated June 2024).
  • Instructions for Authors: Please read the Instructions for Authors (updated June 2024). Dr. Bonato's presentation about writing manuscripts for the journal can be found here.
  • Letters to the Editor: These and other features must be submitted through Editorial Manager.
  • Case Reports: For a Case Report template, please click here (pdf document).
  • Aerospace Medicine Clinic/Resident Case Reports, etc.Please read the Guidelines for AMC articles (updated Feb. 2023). These articles should be submitted to Editorial Manager. There you will find detailed information on contributor requirements. Contact with questions.
  • Book Reviews are by invitation only. Individuals may express their willingness to review a book, but final decisions about who will serve as a book reviewer are made by the Editor in consultation with the Editorial Board. Book reviewers should have previously demonstrated writing skills, be knowledgeable in the area of the book’s content, and present unbiased and “objective” arguments in defense or in opposition to the material presented in the book. Read the Guidelines for book reviews. Please send books for review to Editor, Aerospace Medical Association, 320 S. Henry St. Alexandria, VA 22314.