Thank you for your interest in subscribing to Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance (AMHP), previously Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine (ASEM). The journal covers all of the scientific disciplines related to the following:

  • Aviation, space, and environmental medicine;
  • Case reports in clinical aviation, space, and environmental medicine;
  • Private, commercial, and military aviation medicine;
  • Medical problems for crews in high performance aircraft or in manned space travel;
  • Occupational medicine;
  • Flight safety; and
  • Environmental and life support systems involving performance, acceleration, deceleration, weightlessness, radiation, bioinstrumentation, etc.
  • Other regular features include editorials, letters to the editor, book reviews, and You're the Flight Surgeon.

How to Subscribe

To subscribe download and complete the Subscription Form (Adobe pdf; updated 8/19/2024) and send it by e-mail to Sheryl Kildall or by fax to 703-739-9652. Alternatively, membership to the AsMA includes a subscription to the AMHP journal.

2025 Rates

Additional Benefit: Archives of 1929-2007 available with subscription.

Subscriptions begin the month following receipt of payment.

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Member Online $0 $0 $0  
Member Print $100 $100 $100  
Institutional Print & Online $428 $498 $498 $20.00
Institutional Online $348 $348 $348 $20.00
Individual Print & Online $353 $385 $385
Individual Online $268 $268 $268
  • ADVANCE PAYMENT IN U.S. DOLLARS REQUIRED. Bank wires add $35 USD for bank fees.
  • MISSING ISSUES: Missing copies will be replaced for up to 2 months in the U.S. and up to 4 months for international subscriptions. Thereafter, single copy rates apply. Contact Stella Sanchez, 703-739-2240 x 102.

Multi-Site Journal Pricing 2025

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Junior/Technical Colleges; Non-Research Libraries; Community Non-Profit/Charitable; Private Practice/ Office; Local Government
Undergraduate & M.Sc. Universities (fewer than 25 PhDs/Yr); Research & Departmental Libraries; Regional Non-Profit/ Charitable; Small Community for Profit Research Labs/ Corporations; Hospitals/Clinics Not Associated with a University; Regional Government Agencies
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Universities with Shared Networks; International Non-Profit/Charitable; International Private Research Labs/ Corporations; Mid-Size to Large for Profit Labs/ Corporations; Multi-Site Shared Healthcare Networks; National Government Agencies
Contact Sheryl Kildall: 703-739-2240 x107;

Single Issues / Back Issues

To purchase single/back issues of the journal, please contact Stella Sanchez, (703) 739-2240, ext. 102.

  • Price: $30 + Postage & Handling ($7.50 U.S., $25 International Air)
  • Missing copies will be replaced for up to 2 months in the U.S. and 4 months for international subscriptions; thereafter single copy rates apply.
  • To purchase individual copies of journal articles, use the PayPal Buy Now button below the abstract of any article on the Meridian journal site.

To purchase individual copies of journal articles, if you are not a member please visit the Online Journal page and use the PayPal Buy Now button below the abstract of any article on the Meridian journal site to complete the purchase. IF YOU ARE A MEMBER, please log into the Members Only page. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Trigg; (703) 739-2240 x 101.

Special Supplements

  1. Sleep and Wakefulness in International Aircrews (Dec.1987, Vol. 58, No.12, Sect. 2)
  2. Physiologic Adaptation of Man in Space (Sept.1987, Vol. 58, No. 9, Sect. 2)
  3. AMD 25th Anniversary Lectures in Aerospace Medicine and Life Sciences (Nov.1988, Vol. 59, No. 11, Sect.2)
  4. Evaluation of Tests for Vestibular Function (Feb.1992, Vol.63, No.2, Sect.2)
  5. Effects of Wearing Protective Chemical Warfare Combat Clothing on Human Performance (Mar.1993, Vol.64, No.3, Sect.2)
  6. Human Systems Center Research in the U.S. Air Force (May 1994,Vol.65, No.5, Sect.2)
  7. Comparison of Hypergravity and Microgravity Effects on Rat Physiology (June 1998, Vol.69, No.6, Sect.2)
  8. Crew Factors in Flight Operations: The Initial NASA-Ames Field Studies on Fatigue (Sept. 1998, Vol. 69, No.9, Sect.2)
  9. The International Workshop on Human Factors in Space, Tokyo, Japan (Sept. 2000, Vol.71, No.9, Sect.2)
  10. Medical Guidelines for Airline Travel, 2nd Edition (May 2003, Vol. 74, No. 5, Sect.2)
  11. Patent Foramen Ovale and Paradoxical Systemic Embolism: A Bibliographic Review (June 2003, Vol. 74, No. 6, Sect.2)
  12. Proceedings of the Fatigue and Performance Modeling Workshop, Seattle, WA (March 2004, Vol. 75, No. 3, Sect.2)
  13. International Space Life Sciences Working Group Workshop on Group Interactions, Banff, Alberta, Canada (July 2004, Vol. 75, No. 7, Sect.2)
  14. Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine (March 2005, Vol. 76, No. 3, Sect.2)
  15. New Directions in Spaceflight Behavioral Health: A Workshop Integrating Research and Application, Davis, CA (June 2005, Vol. 76, No. 6, Sect.2)
  16. Cognitive Performance in Operational Environments (July 2005, Vol. 76, No. 7, Sect.2)
  17. Advances in Clinical Space Medicine (April 2007, Vol. 78, No. 4, Sect.2)
  18. Operational Applications of Cognitive Performance Enhancement Technologies (May 2007, Vol. 78, No. 5, Sect.2)
  19. The NASA Flight Analog Project: Head-Down Bed Rest Studies (May 2009, Vol. 80, No. 5, Sect. 2)
  20. Fifty Years of Decompression Sickness Research at Brooks AFB, TX: 1960–2010 (May 2011, Vol. 82, No. 5, Sect. 2)
  21. Exercise Countermeasures: The First Decade on ISS (December 2015, Vol. 86, No. 12, Sect. 2)

Contact Rachel Trigg or call 703-739-2240 Ext. 101.

Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance (ISSN 2375-6314 print; 2375-6322 online) is published monthly by the Aerospace Medical Association.
Volume Number  Volume 96; 2025
Number of Copies Per Year  12
Publication Date  1st of Each Month
Classification  Medical Science Education
Index Published  December Issue
Length and Width  8.25 X 11 Inches
Thickness  Varies