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Kimoto M, Zeredo JL, Toda K. Hypergravity conditioning on ileal movements in rats. Aviat Space Environ Med 2012; 83:483–7. Introduction: Stress is a common trigger for various physiological disturbances, including feeding disorders. One of the possible mechanisms for feeding disorders may be linked to changes in intestinal movement caused by stress. Therefore, here we investigated in vitro stress-induced changes in ileal movement. Methods: Rats (female Wistar, SPF) were divided into Control (1 G) and hypergravity (hyperG) groups. HyperG stress was applied daily for 10 min by a centrifugal apparatus for 1 to 30 d. Under barbiturate anesthesia, a 1-cm long section of the ileum was isolated and fixed in a Magnus-type chamber filled with tyrode solution. Intestinal movement was evoked by applying acetylcholine (Ach, 10 7–10 5 g · ml 1). Antagonistic effects of adrenalin (Adr, 10 4 g · ml 1) on the Ach-evoked movements were also observed. Results: Clear ileum movements were observed after Ach application. The movement pattern was phasic (early) and tonic (late). Peak amplitude of the phasic wave was dose-dependent on the Ach concentration. No significant differences in the averaged peak amplitude between control and hyperG groups were observed. The peak amplitude was decreased by Adr application in both the control and hyperG groups; however, the degree of the decrement was higher in hyperG than in control at 1 d after stress loading. Discussion: The present study indicates that gravity stress modified ileal movement. Although basic ileum movements evoked by Ach were not influenced by stress, they were modified by Adr at a quite early stage after stress loading, suggesting an increase in the sensitivity of Adr receptors, but not of Ach receptors in the ileum.

Keywords: hypergravity; ileum; intestinal movement; stress; rat
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