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Professional associations are important. Their collective strength and the services they provide benefit both individual members, the populations they serve, and the broader community.

The American Medical Association (AMA) is the largest and most influential association of physicians in the country. Its mission is to promote the art and science of medicine while improving public health. The main policy making body of the AMA is the House of Delegates (HOD), which meets twice annually. All major medical specialties, including the Aerospace Medical Association, are represented, as are all State Medical Associations. To maintain representation, it is important for physicians to maintain their membership in the AMA. Within the AMA there are 15–20 Section Councils, which encourage and facilitate cooperation among participating organizations, partners, and individuals. Councils may also sponsor or co-sponsor policy resolutions in the AMA HOD.

The plaque on the front of the AsMA Home Office.

Citation: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 95, 8; 10.3357/AMHP.958PP.2024

AsMA is a member of the Section Council on Preventive Medicine (SCPM), which includes AMA Delegates from AsMA and from our close cousins, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM), the American College of Preventive Medicine, the American Association of Public Health Physicians, the American Academy of Insurance Medicine, the American College of Correctional Physicians, and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. AsMA’s Delegate to the AMA, Dr. Joe “Bugs” Ortega, a Past President of AsMA, currently Chairs the SCPM. I serve as Alternate AsMA Delegate and served as ACOEM Delegate for many years before. AsMA also has a resident representative, Dr. Samantha King, who also represents AsMA at the AMA Resident & Fellow Section (RFS).

Left to right: Robert Orford, AsMA President and AMA Delegate; Dr. Samantha King, UTMB Aerospace Medicine Resident, AMA Resident, and Fellow Section Delegate; and Dr. Joe Ortega, AsMA AMA Delegate at the AMA 2024 Annual Meeting.

Citation: Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 95, 8; 10.3357/AMHP.958PP.2024

The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) is a physician organization with a mission, membership, and HOD like AMA’s. Many AsMA members belong to AMA or AOA, and some belong to both. AsMA Past President Dr. Kris Belland, AOA HOD Delegate for Texas, represents AsMA’s interests. Drs. Dan Berry and Jennifer Benincasa represent AOA at AsMA. AsMA is not solely an organization of physicians. We have nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physiologists, psychologists, Ph.D. researchers, and others with societies in their own professional areas, some of them, such as the American Nursing Association and the American Psychological Association, being quite large.

The many national associations connected with AsMA through common membership may influence national health care and prevention policies individually or collectively. Some, such as AsMA, with its extensive international membership, and AMA (a member of the World Medical Association), have international influence as well. As we navigate the evolving landscape of aerospace medicine, preventive medicine, and clinical care in the United States and other countries, it is important to recognize the critical role that all these associations play in supporting physicians and other professionals.

Through advocacy, organizations represent their members and their profession with a unified voice, advocating for policies to enhance professional activities, reduce administrative burdens, and protect professional autonomy. They provide education, training, and lifelong learning. Their conferences and webinars also encourage networking, mentoring, and career advancement. Many, including AsMA, establish evidence-based guidelines, standards of care, and practice resources, which help professionals make informed decisions, improve clinical outcomes, and maintain professional excellence. Most Associations also play an important role by encouraging professional diversity and equity. Medical and other professional associations, whether national, specialty-focused, or state-based, play an indispensable role in society.

Which brings us to your role and opportunities in the Aerospace Medical Association. As the largest professional membership organization in aerospace medicine and human performance, AsMA provides valuable roles and opportunities to its members. Let’s explore some of these:

Certification and Expertise: AsMA offers courses and workshops, including the annual FAA Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) Seminar, which covers aerospace physiology, human factors in aviation, the FAA regulatory framework, and the impact of clinical conditions on flight safety, and is a convenient way to maintain AME certification. AsMA also offers examinations for Aerospace Physiology Certification and for American Board of Preventive Medicine Maintenance of Certification.

Networking and Collaboration: AsMA facilitates connections among aeromedical professionals. Ask authors questions regarding their presentations or posters. Introduce yourself and engage with experts, researchers, practitioners, and AsMA leaders. Attend committee meetings and luncheons that interest you at the Annual Scientific Meeting and introduce yourself to your neighbors. In most cases you may attend a presentation at a luncheon as an observer in the gallery seats, even if you do not have a ticket for lunch. AsMA is a family, and your colleagues will be pleased to meet you.

Advocacy and Influence: AsMA actively advocates for health, safety, and performance enhancement in aviation and space. Members contribute to shaping regulatory policies and promoting scientific knowledge through the Resolutions process, through communication with senior medical staff of aeromedical certification regulatory bodies, and through contact with politicians and regulators concerning aviation and space medicine.

Research, Innovation, and the Annual Scientific Meeting: AsMA encourages research and innovation. By attending the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) you will stay informed about cutting-edge developments. Many years ago, an Air Force friend encouraged me to attend the AsMA Scientific Program Committee meeting in November, where the abstract review and planning are done for next year’s meeting. I have attended most years since and encourage you to consider doing so also. You may also now review abstracts virtually.

Publications and Journals: AsMA publishes Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, otherwise known as the “Blue Journal”, monthly, providing you with access to the latest research, case studies, and best practices in aerospace medicine. AsMA members are entitled to the electronic version of the journal as a benefit of membership. An annual subscription to print copies of the journal is also available at a discounted rate.

Leadership Opportunities: AsMA offers many leadership roles. Look for opportunities to join one or more of our 18 Standing Committees, or our Constituent and Affiliated Organizations. Committees are listed in our Bylaws, Constituent and Affiliated Organizations in our Policies and Procedures. Both documents are available online. Through your participation, you will actively shape the association’s initiatives and contribute to its mission.

In summary, AsMA is a comprehensive ecosystem for aerospace medicine professionals, offering education, networking, advocacy, and opportunities to make a meaningful impact on aviation health and safety. Thank you for your membership, and please encourage others to join us.

AsMA is a family. No one belongs here more than you!

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Copyright: Reprint and copyright © by the Aerospace Medical Association, Alexandria, VA.
  • Article by Robert Orford

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