INTRODUCTION: Hypoxia recognition training (HRT) is a requirement for many nations’ military aircrew. The aim of HRT is to enhance the ability of aircrew to recognize and recover from an unexpected in-flight hypoxic exposure; however, there is a paucity of research evaluating the efficacy of HRT and whether current training approaches are optimal. Rather, the benefits of HRT are routinely promulgated based on opinions and anecdotes. Here, we raise some of our concerns with HRT practices in order to stimulate further discussion and research. Our aim is to ensure aircrew are provided with effective training to mitigate the risks associated with hypoxia—and other physiological threats—to promote flight safety. Shaw DM, Harrell JW, Gant N, Peacock DS. Clearing the air on the efficacy of hypoxia recognition training. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2024; 95(11):871–872.
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