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Wow…what a great 93rd Annual Scientific Meeting we had together in New Orleans this year!

I wish to share some perspectives, provide a meeting recap of some key items, and share gratitude for the professionalism and hard work of so many that made the meeting a success.

We had a final total registration of 1,630 attendees. An AsMA record and wonderful return coming out of the Pandemic era! A total of 55 countries were represented by our International colleagues. The Opening Night Reception in the Exhibits area set a great tone to rekindle friendships and make new acquaintances from around the globe.

Throughout the week we enjoyed a range of interesting and educational lectures, sessions, panels, and posters across the spectrum of aerospace medicine and human performance. From first-time presenters to well-established colleagues, you admirably shared excellent information for our meeting attendees. Thank you to the Scientific Program Committee and Chair, Ian Mollan, for all their efforts during the prior abstract review and subsequent program construction.

Thanks to all those who attended, presented, and volunteered in so many capacities across several fronts. The Registration Committee under Nora Johnson shepherded the meeting check-in process with welcoming smiles. Bravo to those working to ensure Constituent luncheons and other events went well. The energy and enthusiasm of the AMSRO members throughout the week is to be commended. Thank you to all the Exhibitors, Corporate Sponsors, and Scholarship supporters. It is truly gratifying to see our younger members honored with scholarship monies and stipends. Let’s continue and increase that wave of support!

The Trumbo 5K Fun Run included 127 participants tackling the course in New Orleans. At the Fun Run next year, we will be recognizing 5K top finishers over a few age brackets since many of our more seasoned members ran very well and are truly fitness inspirations.

The Speed Mentoring sessions continue to receive rave reviews. Much appreciation to those who mentor and provide insight and perspective during those sessions. The amount of wisdom and suggestions provided to the mentees is very significant and can certainly guide the trajectory of their careers and paths forward.

The RAM Bowl never ceases to entertain and educate. How delightful to see such a large crowd enjoying the competition and camaraderie before us. Thank you to Becky Blue, Al Parmet, and the RAM Bowl organizing team for leading the event with flair and fun.

The Wing, under the leadership of Abby Elliott and Yalonda Silberman, held several gatherings and events during the week at the Sheraton and throughout the New Orleans area. Their enthusiasm and good nature were greatly appreciated by many spouses and guests who joined the Annual Scientific meeting.

Honor’s Night was a wonderful evening to cap off the week, with 387 dinner attendees. Congratulations to the new AsMA Fellows and the Award recipients. And for those of you that hit the dance floor afterwards, good times were had!

Jeff Sventek and the Home Office staff did a superb job during the entire week, seamlessly ensuring a solid meeting flow and tackling the daily hiccups that invariably arise during any Annual Scientific Meeting.

Thanks to Walt, Phil, and Katherine Galanty from AIM Meetings and Events for their constant vigilance to liaison with the Sheraton on a litany of logistic items from lodging, conference room set-ups, luncheons, and a host of other issues. Their support to AsMA over the years has been vitally important for our meeting success.

A particular poignant experience personally arose one afternoon near the Registration and Constituent tables area. During a break between two session time blocks, as many attendees mingled and moved about, I took some time to try to blend into a back wall and simply watch the buzz of what was playing out in front of me: old friends and colleagues reconnecting; introductions being made to new acquaintances; senior AsMA members being asked career advice questions by AMSRO members; conversations taking place in several foreign languages; comments being made about an excellent session just attended; tips provided on good restaurants in NOLA; and Constituent table representatives speaking about their organization and signing up new members. While such activities are taking place each day, for me taking the time to quietly observe the flow and energy was a rewarding and confirming affirmation that what we share together at AsMA is indeed special and unique. Kudos to all of you for attending our meeting in New Orleans and making our time together successful and gratifying.

Mark your calendar for the next AsMA Annual Scientific meeting May 5–9, 2024, in Chicago, IL. We will be located at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, right on the Chicago River and close to lake Michigan. A great venue for us to gather. I will be certainly sharing more information with you about plans for Chicago in upcoming correspondences.

All the best.

Keep ‘em flying…and Full Steam Ahead!

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Copyright: Reprint and copyright © by the Aerospace Medical Association, Alexandria, VA.

Contributor Notes

The good times DID roll in New Orleans.