BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bond strength of fiber posts with different mixing methods and insertion into root canal techniques in long-term hypobaric pressure changes.
METHODS: We chose and decoronated 42 teeth with straight and single root canals. After post-space preparation, the posts were cemented with hand-mixed and auto-mixed resin cements that were inserted into the canals with an endodontic file (lentilo), dual-barrel syringe, and root canal tip (14 for each group). After cementation, each group was divided into two subgroups (N = 7): the control (ambient pressure) group and the hypobaric pressure group. The samples were exposed to hypobaric pressure 90 times. They were cut into 2-mm-thick segments and the push-out bond strength test was performed using a Universal Testing Machine. One-way ANOVA tests, Bonferroni tests, and Student-t-tests were used for statistical analysis.
RESULTS: The environmental pressure changes and insertion techniques affected the bond strength values. The auto-mixed with root-canal tip group showed the highest push-out bond strength values in both hypobaric (dual-barrel syringe group: 10.01 MPa; root-canal tip group: 11.61 MPa) and control (dual-barrel syringe group: 12.29 MPa; root-canal tip group: 14.58 MPa) group. In all root segments, the bond strength values of hypobaric groups were lower than atmospheric pressure groups. The most frequent failure type was adhesive between dentin and cement in all groups.
DISCUSSION: Dentists should use auto-mixed self-adhesive resin with a root canal tip for post cementations in patients likely to be exposed to hypobaric pressure changes.
Ozkan Ata S, Ata N, Yazgan E, Akkor T. Ugurlutan R. Push-out bond strength of fiber posts in long-term hypobaric pressure changes. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023; 94(7):508–513.
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