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INTRODUCTION: The evolution and preservation of venous gas emboli (VGE), as markers of decompression stress, were investigated during alternating high- and moderate altitude exposures, thus, simulating a fighter aircraft high-altitude flight, interrupted by refueling excursions to lower altitudes.METHODS: Eight men served as subjects during three normoxic simulated altitude exposures: High = 90 min at 24,000 ft; High-Low = three × 30 min at 24,000 ft, interspersed by two 30-min intervals at 15,000 ft; Low = 90 min at 15,000 ft. VGE scores were assessed by cardiac ultrasound, using a 5-grade scale. Respiratory nitrogen exchange was measured continuously using a modified closed-circuit electronic rebreather.RESULTS: Both High and High-Low induced persistent VGE, with no inter-condition difference either at rest [median (range): High: 1 (0-3), High-Low: 2 (0-3)] or during unloaded knee-bends [High: 3 (1-4), High-Low: 3 (0-4)], whereas VGE was considerably less in Low, both at rest [0 (0-1)] and during knee-bends [0 (0-2)]. In High-Low, VGE decreased temporarily during the 15,000-ft excursions, but resumed pre-excursion values upon return to 24,000 ft. During the final descent to ground level, VGE were more persistent following High-Low than High. In both High and Low, nitrogen was continuously washed out at altitude, whereas in High-Low, the washout at 24,000 ft was interrupted by nitrogen uptake at 15,000 ft.DISCUSSION: In normoxic conditions, long-duration flying at a cabin altitude of 24,000 ft is associated with substantial VGE occurrence, which is not abolished by intermittent excursions to a cabin altitude of 15,000 ft.Ånell R, Grönkvist M, Gennser M, Eiken O. Evolution and preservation of venous gas emboli at alternating high and moderate altitude exposures. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2020; 91(1):11–17.

Keywords: decompression sickness risk; fighter aircraft; gas bubble formation; VGE; hypobaric DCS; in-air refuelling; nitrogen elimination; repeated altitude decompression
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