INTRODUCTION: In the present study, an Adaptive Ground Control System for Multiple-UAV Operator Workload Decrement (AGCS) has been developed and the effectiveness of the system has been analyzed using eye-tracking and task performance data. The AGCS contained four more functions
than the conventional GCS (CGCS) functions. The functions were based on real-time operator gaze information, multiple UAV operational state, and mission state information to help safe and efficient multiple UAV operation.METHODS: A total of 30 volunteers participated in the human-in-the-loop
experiment to compare the performances of the newly developed AGCS and CGCS while executing reconnaissance and strike missions by operating multiple UAVs.RESULTS: According to the results, the AGCS demonstrates a statistically significant increase in mission performance, such as
the mission completion rate (M = 97.3 vs. M = 95.4; SD = 3.1 vs. SD = 4.9) and mission success rate (M = 90.4 vs. M = 88.4; SD = 5.7 vs. SD = 5.6). In addition, the subjects’ pupil diameter and gaze indicator show significant differences in the direction of workload reduction (α
= 0.05). The subjects expressed positive opinions about using the AGCS.DISCUSSION: The originally developed AGCS showed a promising future extension based on the experimental data. After completion of the experiment, domain experts were interviewed and the next version will reflect
their opinion.Lim H-J, Choi S-H, Oh J, Kim BS, Kim S, Yang JH. Adaptive ground control system of muliple-UAV operators in a simulated environment. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2019; 90(10):841–850.