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BACKGROUND: Chromosome translocations are a biomarker of cumulative exposure to ionizing radiation. We examined the relation between the frequency of translocations and cosmic radiation dose in 83 male airline pilots.METHODS: Translocations were scored using fluorescence in situ hybridization chromosome painting. Cumulative radiation doses were estimated from individual flight records. Excess rate and log-linear Poisson regression models were evaluated.RESULTS: Pilots’ estimated median cumulative absorbed dose was 15 mGy (range 4.5–38). No association was observed between translocation frequency and absorbed dose from all types of flying [rate ratio (RR) = 1.01 at 1 mGy, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.97–1.04]. However, additional analyses of pilots’ dose from only commercial flying suggested an association (RR = 1.04 at 1 mGy, 95% CI 0.97–1.13).DISCUSSION: Although this is the largest cytogenetic study of male commercial airline pilots to date of which the authors are aware, future studies will need additional highly exposed pilots to better assess the translocation-cosmic radiation relation.Grajewski B, Yong LC, Bertke SJ, Bhatti P, Little MP, Ramsey MJ, Tucker JD, Ward EM, Whelan EA, Sigurdson AJ, Waters MA. Chromosome translocations and cosmic radiation dose in male U.S. commercial airline pilots. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018; 89(7):616–625.

Keywords: pilots; aircrew; chromosome translocations; cosmic radiation; circadian disruption
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