BACKGROUND: Review of injuries resulting from aircraft accidents and analysis of their mechanisms have proved helpful in generating and implementing survival-related improvements. Ideally, such information should be correlated with seat belt type and use, as well as any brace
position adopted. This information should be recorded and made publicly available to future researchers.METHODS: Members of IBRACE have developed two questionnaires to assist accident / cabin-safety investigators to record this information in an integrated consistent manner.RESULTS:
One questionnaire relates to the survivors and one to the deceased.DISCUSSION: IBRACE members hope that these questionnaires will assist the investigation of future aircraft accidents.Davies JM, Wallace WA, Colton CL, Yoo KI, Maurino M. Two aviation accident investigation
questionnaires for passenger and crew survival factors and injuries. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018; 89(5):483–486.