Sleep on Long Haul Layovers and Pilot Fatigue at the Start of the Next Duty Period
INTRODUCTION: Layovers are critical for pilot recovery between flights and minimum layover durations are required by regulation. However, research on the factors affecting layover sleep and safety performance indicators (SPIs) before subsequent flights is relatively sparse. The
present project combined data from 6 studies, including 8 long-range and 5 ultra-long range out-and-back trips across a range of different layover destinations (299 pilots in 4-person crews, 410 layovers, 1–3 d layover duration).METHODS: Sleep was monitored via actigraphy
from 3 d pre-trip to at least 3 d post-trip. Pilots rated their sleepiness (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, KSS) and fatigue (Samn-Perelli scale, SP) at duty start for the inbound flight. Mixed model ANOVAs identified independent associations between fatigue and sleepiness SPIs and operational
factors (domicile time of duty start for the inbound flight in six 4-h bins, layover duration, and total sleep time (TST) in the 24 h prior to inbound duty start).RESULTS: TST was greatest on layovers ending between 1200–1559 domicile time (time in the city from which the
outbound flight departed) and TST was a significant predictor of both KSS and SP ratings at duty start for the inbound flight.DISCUSSION: TST in the 24 h prior to the inbound flight was greatest when duty start time allowed for the inclusion of a full domicile night time period.
In this dataset, circadian end-time of layovers is a key determinant of pilot fatigue status at the beginning of the inbound duty period.Cosgrove J, Wu LJ, van den Berg M, Signal TL, Gander PH. Sleep on long haul layovers and pilot fatigue at the start of the next duty period. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018; 89(1):19–25.