BACKGROUND: Centrifuge training, while an integral component in pilot training, is not without risks. To date there has never been a reported case of isolated transverse process fractures associated with centrifuge training.CASE REPORT: A 32-yr-old Flight Surgeon underwent
centrifuge training as part of an educational course. She had increasing back pain after exposure to the centrifuge. Follow-up studies showed left L2 and bilateral L3 transverse process fractures. No other contributory causes could be identified except for mild vitamin D deficiency.DISCUSSION:
The etiology, incidence, and treatment of transverse process fractures are examined to better prepare the clinician for the management of these cases.Puderbaugh MA. A report of transverse process fractures secondary to the centrifuge in a healthy aviator. Aerosp Med Hum Perform.
2016; 87(7):655–658.