Identifying the Subtle Presentation of Decompression Sickness
BACKGROUND: Decompression sickness is an inherent occupational hazard that has the possibility to leave its victims with significant long-lasting effects that can potentially impact an aircrew’s flight status. The relative infrequency of this hazard within the military
flying community along with the potentially subtle presentation of decompression sickness (DCS) has the potential to result in delayed diagnosis and treatment, leading to residual deficits that can impact a patient’s daily life or even lead to death.CASE REPORT: The patient
presented in this work was diagnosed with a Type II DCS 21 h after a cabin decompression at 35,000 ft (10,668 m). The patient had been asymptomatic with a completely normal physical/neurological exam following his flight. The following day, he presented with excessive fatigue and on re-evaluation
was recommended for hyperbaric therapy, during which his symptoms completely resolved. He was re-evaluated 14 d later and cleared to resume flight duties without further incident.DISCUSSION: The manifestation of this patient’s decompression sickness was subtle and followed
an evaluation that failed to identify any focal findings. A high index of suspicion with strict follow-up contributed to the identification of DCS in this case, resulting in definitive treatment and resolution of the patient’s symptoms. Determination of the need for hyperbaric therapy
following oxygen supplementation and a thorough history and physical is imperative. If the diagnosis is in question, consider preemptive hyperbaric therapy as the benefits of treatment in DCS outweigh the risks of treatment. Finally, this work introduces the future potential of neuropsychological
testing for both the diagnosis of DCS as well as assessing the effectiveness of hyperbaric therapy in Type II DCS.Alea K. Identifying the subtle presentation of decompression sickness. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2015; 86(12):1058–1062.