Editorial Type:
Article Category: Research Article
Online Publication Date: Dec 01, 2015

Concept of Operations Evaluation for Using Remote-Guidance Ultrasound for Exploration Spaceflight

, and
Page Range: 1034 – 1038
DOI: 10.3357/AMHP.3244.2015
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BACKGROUND: Remote-guidance (RG) techniques aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have enabled astronauts to collect diagnostic-level ultrasound (US) images. Exploration-class missions will likely require nonformally trained sonographers to operate with greater autonomy given longer communication delays (> 6 s for missions beyond the Moon) and blackouts. Training requirements for autonomous collection of US images by non-US experts are being determined.METHODS: Novice US operators were randomly assigned to one of three groups to collect standardized US images while drawing expertise from A) RG only, B) a computer training tool only, or C) both RG and a computer training tool. Images were assessed for quality and examination duration. All operators were given a 10-min standardized generic training session in US scanning. The imaging task included: 1) bone fracture assessment in a phantom and 2) Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) examination in a healthy volunteer. A human factors questionnaire was also completed.RESULTS: Mean time for group B during FAST was shorter (20.4 vs. 22.7 min) than time for the other groups. Image quality scoring was lower than in groups A or C, but all groups produced images of acceptable diagnostic quality.DISCUSSION: RG produces US images of higher quality than those produced with only computer-based instruction. Extended communication delays in exploration missions will eliminate the option of real-time guidance, thus requiring autonomous operation. The computer program used appears effective and could be a model for future digital US expertise banks. Terrestrially, it also provides adequate self-training and mentoring mechanisms.Hurst VW IV, Peterson S, Garcia K, Ebert D, Ham D, Amponsah D, Dulchavsky S. Concept of operations evaluation for using remote-guidance ultrasound for exploration spaceflight. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2015; 86(12):1034–1038.

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