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Modeling Predictors of Duties Not Including Flying Status
Anthony P. Tvaryanas and
Converse Griffith Jr.
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 89: Issue 1
Online Publication Date: Jan 01, 2018
DOI: 10.3357/AMHP.4980.2018
Page Range: 52 – 57

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Michael Tanael
Article Category: Article Commentary
Volume/Issue: Volume 91: Issue 5
Online Publication Date: May 01, 2020
Page Range: 453 – 454
Timothy J. UngsM.D., M.S.
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 62: Issue 10
Online Publication Date: Oct 01, 1991
Page Range: 974 – 977
Kasie L. Gaona
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 81: Issue 7
Online Publication Date: Jul 01, 2010
Page Range: 688 – 690
Richard J. DennisO.D., M.S.,
Robert P. Green JR.M.D., and
Norma S. KetchumM.S.
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 63: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Feb 01, 1992
Page Range: 122 – 127
Thomas Dumser,
Mathias Borsch, and
Christoph Wonhas
Article Category: Other
Volume/Issue: Volume 84: Issue 2
Online Publication Date: Feb 01, 2013
Page Range: 142 – 147
Richard J. DennisO.D., M.S.,
Thomas J. TrediciM.D.,
Douglas J. IvanM.D., and
William G. Jackson JR.M. Stat.
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 67: Issue 4
Online Publication Date: Apr 01, 1996
Page Range: 303 – 307
Article Category: Research Article
Volume/Issue: Volume 94: Issue 8
Online Publication Date: Aug 01, 2023
Page Range: 645 – 647

Vibrational effects of launch vehicles on liquid medications has been shown to result in excessive foaming. 4 Multiple ISS crews have filmed demonstrations of the challenges and solutions to overcoming lack of air-fluid separation levels for adequate liquid medication aspiration and administration in microgravity. 2 You realize the need to also consider expected side effects after administration, especially after the second dose. You turn to the FAA policy, which recommends DNIF for 48 hrs after vaccine administration, and review possible adverse reactions. 3

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